Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Anne's Second Birthday!

Anne turned two years old on August 12, 2008. She is now a full-fledged toddler! We celebrated the day by making Anne homemade macaroni and cheese for dinner, eating chocolate cake and ice cream, and having Anne open presents. Anne's Aunt Mischa came over for the occasion and Anne HAD to sit on Mischa's lap to eat the cake and ice cream because the last time Anne ate cake and ice cream, she ate it on Mischa's lap. As you know, if you start something with kids you know you are going to have to do that thing over and over and over. :)

For her presents Anne received a battery-operated waving flag (she is obsessed with the American flag, carrying one with her wherever she goes), a feather duster colored to look like the American flag, winter Pooh Bear pajamas, and a Leap Frog riding toy that Anne calls "Anne's yellow bus-car." She also got a talking purse from Aunt Mischa and a whale watering can with accompanying children's rake from her Aunt Holli.

We had lots of fun! :)

"Happy Second Birthday, Anne!"

1 comment:

Rina said...

You guys have a blog!??!