Thursday, October 9, 2008

Our Sod

This past September, we finally broke down, ignored our pride, and purchased sod for our back and side yards. We have toiled so much in trying to get a lawn to grow using seeds, topsoil, fertilizers, etc., and it was a pain! The sod is so easy. Cheating? Yes. Easy? Yes. Instant gratification? Yes (that is after it was all laid by a crew of twenty people.)

Here are some photos in order of our emerging, insta-back-yard.

Above are some of the sixteen pallets of sod we ordered.

Kasey laying the first piece!

Anne playing on the new sod... ahhhh!
Our new back lawn!

I absolutely love living on a full acre lot, but it sure takes a lot of work! We only fenced off 1/2-2/3 of our lot, and even that is a lot to take care of. I want to use the currently unfenced section for horses one day, but let's see if that will actually happen... maybe if someone drops off a huge check for us at our front door. :-)

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