Monday, October 27, 2008

Hansen Halloween Party!

On Saturday, October 25, 2008, we had our Halloween costume party! It went very well and the weather cooperated nicely for our outdoor celebration. It took a lot of work to pull it off, but it was worth seeing so many kids having a great time. (No offense to the adults, but the kids made the party. ;) )

Here is what we did:
1. Watched Halloween cartoons on the back lawn while waiting for guests to arrive
2. Played lawn games
3. Day time hay ride on the Hansen farm
4. Potato sack races
5. Dinner
6. Massacred a candy corn pinata
7. Attempted to play the "donut on a string" game, but the string cut through the too soft donuts.
8. Night time haunted hay ride on the Hansen farm
9. We were planning on having a parade of costumes and a costume contest, but it got late and most of our guests needed to go home. We also planned on decorating ghost sugar cookies on Popsicle sticks too. Maybe next year! I'm glad many people took home some of those cookies. I really didn't want to have to eat all four dozen by myself. Actually, I wouldn't have minded eating them if they were calorie free. :)
10. Lastly, he few guests that stayed late watched "The Corpse Bride" inside.

If any one that attended our party ever sees this blog post, we want you to know how grateful we are that you came! Some of you had to drive a long way. We were sad we didn't have enough time in all the craziness of hosting the party to visit with all of you for any extended period of time.

Now, here is a slide show! I wish I would have taken more pictures. Sorry if these are boring.

1 comment:

Rina said...

What was your costume? Brad and I are so lame anymore. We are trying to decide which Halloween costume to recycle for the ward party tomorrow... Brad wants to go sumo. I'm thinking cowboy hats should do it.